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Off duty police officer shot to death in front of his house in Brazil

An off duty police officer was shot and killed in front of his house in Brazil.

“Soldier Rafael Novais was off duty and died after being shot by a man, who later fled and is being sought. The crime occurred on the morning of this Thursday (6). Witnesses said that the shooter is the victim’s neighbor and owed him money.

A military police officer and digital influencer was shot dead on Thursday morning (6) in front of the house where he lived on Rua Flor de Minas , in Jardim Paulistano, North Zone. The victim was off duty and not wearing a uniform. The killer fled after the crime and is being sought by the authorities.

A security camera at a nearby property recorded what happened. The images are circulating on social media (see video above) . According to witnesses, the shooter is the victim’s neighbor and owed him money.

Soldier Rafael Rodrigues Novais was 32 years old. He was rescued by the Military Police (PM) helicopter to the Taipas Emergency Room, where his death was confirmed.

In the footage, it is possible to see the moment when the man talks to Novais. Then, they both look at their cell phones. Then, the boy takes out the gun that was hidden in his waistband and shoots the victim.

The soldier falls and the shooter fires more shots in his direction. According to the images, at least seven shots were fired. Near the two, another young man appears who was doing some construction work nearby and was frightened by what he saw. After that, the killer runs away.

The case will be registered as intentional homicide , in which there is intent to kill, at the 72nd Police District (DP) , Vila Penteado. The Civil Police will analyze security cameras to identify and attempt to arrest the killer.

In a statement, the Public Security Secretariat (SSP) lamented the death of the police officer and reported that “efforts are underway to identify and locate the criminal.”

People who knew Novais told the news team that the shooter and the victim were neighbors. And that, before the crime, the man had broken the rearview mirror of the police officer’s car. According to witnesses, the officer told the neighbor to pay for the damage he caused.

According to the victim’s friends, the neighbor went this morning to pay for the damage, but when he was transferring the money using the bank app on his cell phone, he decided to shoot and kill Novais.

The soldier had been working for the force for eight years. He was currently assigned to the 4th Metropolitan Military Police Battalion (BPM-M) . In addition to being a police officer, Novais, as he was known in the PM, had pages on the internet to talk about police activity and other subjects.

On YouTube he had the “R Novais Channel” , with more than a thousand subscribers. On Instagram he appeared as “rafinha_rpm” for his more than 50 thousand followers. And on Tik Tok he had more than 66 thousand fans as “Sd R Novais” .

In a post on Instagram, Novais had written: “the most beautiful color a person can have is transparency.” “Beautiful and talented!! Congratulations on the videos,” a follower had commented.

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